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Maritime contracts generally involve commerce or navigation on navigable waters and 海上 employment.  举个例子, shipping and logistics contracts, shipping and freight contracts, 船舶修理合同, 船舶租赁合同, 拖轮和拖带合同, 码头业务合同, 救助合同, 关税, 提单, 海员工资协议, 船舶融资协议, 优先船舶抵押权, and marine insurance policies all qualify as 海上 contracts. Maritime contracts can involve activities performed offshore, ashore, and inland.  An amalgamation of admiralty, 海上, and federal statutory legal principles govern these contracts and do not always jibe with the more familiar legal principles of land-based contracts.  We regularly handle the drafting, 回顾, 修改, and analyzing of 海上 contracts as well as the defense and prosecution of 海上 contract actions.  Some examples of 海上 contracts include:

Shipping Contracts, Freight Contracts, and Cargo Claims

提单, 关税, and the Uniform Intermodal Interchange and Facilities Access Agreement offered by ship lines, 海军码头, 卡车运输, and other 海上 centric businesses often govern the commercial relationship between parties involved with the shipment of ocean cargo.  These agreements affect demurrage, 拘留, 和损害, and the scope of these agreements often extend over inland transportation.  Statutory authorities such as the Harter Act, COGSA, the Ocean Shipping Reform Act, and even the Carmack Amendment often come into play. 

Charter Party Agreements, Towing Agreements, and Salvage Contracts

A charter party is a very specialized contract for the full or partial use of a vessel.  Demise, time, voyage, and slot charters have their distinct characteristics and purposes.  拖动协议, 比如租船合同, are governed by 海上 and not state law and should not be confused with contacts of affreightment. Towage generally involves movement of another vessel by the tower or tug.  The diversity of towage situations often requires careful drafting and analysis of the towage agreement.  Salvage contracts involve the saving of 海上 property including cargo and treasure by an agreement, which is also governed by 海上 law and sometimes by international law and conventions.         


专属经济区, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Sustainable 渔业 Act, the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act, the Equal Access to Justice Act, the Administrative Procedure Act, and the Code of Federal Regulations are some of the laws that create the highly specialized practice of fisheries.  In addition, contract law principles will apply in some cases. Whether dealing with the National Marine 渔业 Service, the Atlantic States Marine 渔业 Commission, the Virginia Marine 皇冠搏彩APP下载 Commission, other federal or state agencies, 或许可证拥有人, our attorneys have the experiences to handle fishing quota and fishing permit disputes at the federal and state levels.      

We regularly handle the drafting, 回顾, 修改, and analyzing of 海上 contracts as well as actions involving the prosecution and defense of contract claims. We have experience in matters involving 海军码头, 工人, 国际航线, 发货人, 船厂, 船厂有着成千艘无人问津, 海洋铁路, 码头, marine engineering and construction companies, 保险公司, commercial fishing interests, 打捞公司.  联系 us for help with a 海上 contract.